Common Problems

  • 64

    Advertising overload is killing your website

    Dale Haskell · 26 · Last reply by John Herald

    You are destroying your website, which has been drowned in a sea of intrusive and annoying advertising. Allmusic used to be my favourite music website, and I used it for many years for teaching and research.

    Now, I'd rather use Wikipedia, which has more comprehensive information without the advertising overkill. Your website is dying, and only the website managers can save it. Limit advertising, update information, or your supporters will abandon you.

  • 32

    The web page jumps around

    Mark Terrell · 1 · Last reply by Mark Terrell

    The web page jumps around, presumably when you display adverts. The site is becoming unreadable and I am visiting less and less often. This is on wndos PC, windows lap top, macbook and android phone using chrome and opera.

    Or find a way to display ads of a certain size so the page doesn't have to continually adjust. 

  • 20

    Site has become unusable

    Pete Tiernan · 6 · Last reply by Zac

    I’m a 20+ year user of this site. Your desire to induce people to sign up for memberships is killing what was once the best musical resource on the internet. Now, it’s literally unusable, with ads covering content. It’s sad. I’ve loved Steve Erlewine’s work. I’m sure this doesn’t make him happy. 

  • 16
  • 13

    A spammy reviewer is actively making your site worse

    Mouse · 8 · Last reply by menten14

    TL;DR: A certain AllMusic user's spammy reviews (41200+ reviews in <4 years) have made AllMusic a less useful, more hostile place to visit. This post requests that some sort of mitigating action be taken.

    (Feel free to reach out if you want the specific username, but I'm sure you're already aware of this person. Hint: they review a lot of metal acts.)


    A certain AllMusic user has posted over 41200 reviews since November 9, 2019—that is, nearly 30 reviews a day for 3.8 years. With few exceptions, the reviews are content-free and negative/dismissive. Almost none of them demonstrate even

  • 8

    Site has become unusable

    Pete Tiernan · 2 · Last reply by MichaelH

    I’m a 20+ year user of this site. Your desire to induce people to sign up for memberships is killing what was once the best musical resource on the internet. Now, it’s literally unusable, with ads covering content. It’s sad. I’ve loved Steve Erlewine’s work. I’m sure this doesn’t make him happy. 

  • 5

    Missing Ratings Thread

    Matski · 80 · Last reply by Matski

    As a continuation of a thread from the old forum, I'd like to post any incidents here where a review is missing a rating. I'll continue to post here if more missing ratings are found, unless the moderators would prefer for seperate threads to be created with each newly-located incident.

    Just one missing rating to start with:

    • Touché Amoré - Stage Four

    While the review is short, the reviewer does breifly descibe the music. Furthermore, a similarly short review for the act's previous album, 'Is Survived By' has already been rated.

  • 5

    Long Pauses on accessing discography page

    Joshua Buergel · 3 · Last reply by Joshua Buergel


    I'm observing long pauses on loading band pages and discography pages. I'm a subscriber (have been for years), so it doesn't seem to be ad related. I took some network traces, and it seems to be samples.json that is taking a while to load. On three pages I loaded (the pages for Kool & the Gang, Big Black, and the Melvins, and yes, that's quite a trio), samples.json took about 4 seconds to load twice, and then 19s. I've attached screen shots of the network traces here.

  • 5

    I have a paid subscription yet am still being bombarded with ads.

    M Grimley · 8 · Last reply by Zac

    I have a paid subscription yet am still being bombarded with ads. The site is no longer usable. How do I get a refund for the remainder of my subscription?

  • 4

    Allmusic login covered by ad

    Andrew Rein · 4 · Last reply by Zac

    I have a paid acct because I value your content. However lately when I try to login a popup video ad covers the login. Very annoying, please fix. Using Brave browser (based on Chrome) on Win 10 system. Thanks, Andrew

  • 4
  • 4

    Aggressive pop-up ads ruining experience

    MichaelH · 1 · Last reply by Zac

    Ads that blink and block content keep popping up and I can't make them go away. Aggressive ads are killing an otherwise very good side and I don't think I'll keep coming back until ads are kept at a decent level (to the side, non-blinking). They really bug the heck out of me and almost make me panic in my unsuccessful attempts to make them go away. I can't focus on the site with them there and then there's no point in my coming back is there.

  • 3

    Album does not appear in chronological order

    Michael Lazarus · 2 · Last reply by Michael Lazarus

    On my page -- -- the top album should be "Viviencias en clave cubana by Kiki Valera". That record was released October 18, 2019. The record at the top was released BEFORE, on March 1, 2019. Why does that record in particular not appear in chronological order? Every other album is listed correctly by release date. Please fix this. Thank you. 

  • 3

    Redundancy Rein Xeed and Reinxeed

    Hartmann Linge · 1 · Last reply by Zac


    are redundant. Artists are the same.

  • 3

    Missing credits in submission

    Shawn · 1 · Last reply by Zac




    Thank you for adding my choir's project to the AllMusic database. I notice some of the information is missing. I wanted to provide additional info/credits. 


    Press Releases:






    Shawn Cotterell - Primary Artist, Producer, Vocals, Arranger Craig Bauer - Engineer, Mixing Dave Harris - Mastering   Ermine Gittens - Choir Patricia Shirley - Lead Vocals Londa Larmond - Lead Vocals Toya Alexis - Lead Vocals Norene Williams - Choir Jason Nelson - Choir Denise Brown- Thomas - Choir Donna-Lee Saunders - Choir Morlon Brown - Choir Nordene Simon - Lead Vocals, Choir

  • 3

    Possible Reratings Mistake

    Matski · 4 · Last reply by rootsmusic

    A couple of weeks ago I noticed an unusual series of ratings while using the Advanced Search Engine. When searching only for five-star albums there were several albums listed that didn't have the visual star-rating to match. To see what I mean, see that attached image.

    At first, I thought the updaters were just busy and would correct them within a few days, whether the values were wrong or the star-rating images attached. But a couple a weeks later and still no changes...

    From my understanding, when an album is rated or rerated at AllMusic not only is a new

  • 3

    limit to pages displayed by Advanced Search

    rootsmusic · 2 · Last reply by Zac

    Advanced Search can't display beyond page 13 of results.

  • 3

    Account malfunction

    Andrew · 2 · Last reply by Zac

    When I open allmusic the menu bar no longer displays my user name or the settings icon. Nor does it display the "sign up / log in" links. The "my profile" link doesn't work, and other search and sort functions don't work. I've cleared the browsing cache and restarted the computer. I can't log on or off. Any suggestions?

  • 3

    Pop-up ad blocks “appears on” list in song info

    Derrick Pohl · 1 · Last reply by Zac

    On my iPhone SE 2020, running iOS 15.3.1, a pop-up ad blocks the first item in the “Appears On” album list on a Song Info page such as this one.

    It happens in Safari and Firefox, but not in Chrome or Edge. It’s also a new problem that only began occurring in the past few weeks — at least, that’s when I noticed it.

    I’ve attached a screenshot from Safari showing the problem.

    P.S. A new problem I just discovered is that I can’t paste copied text into this message form. That’s why I had to give the URL for the

  • 3

    Recommendations show albums that have already been rated

    Recently (about one week ago) on the page "Recommendations" began to show albums, which I had previously rated. It shouldn't be like this, right?