Top Ideas

  • 17

    Stop operating dishonestly, either just have a pay wall, or offer a sincere free basic tier

    Idle Primate · 6 · Last reply by Tony

    I don't think there is anything intrinsically wrong with tiers of service. Quite the opposite, it is a way of making things economical for people.  Having a free tier and a paid tier is also fair, and clever.  You hook your customer, they love using the site, and eventually want more features unlocked.  You should do that, or just offer a paid service.  What you do right now is cruel and insulting.  I see sites and apps where you can use for free with advertising, or pay and have a cleaner experience, or with less delays.  Sometimes sites get greedy:

  • 8

    add title filter to Advanced Search

    rootsmusic · 5 · Last reply by rootsmusic

    Like the artist filter, please add a title filter to Advanced Search.  If I can filter by title, then I can sort niche albums.  For example, I want to sort the highest rated "unplugged" title or "tribute" titles.

  • 6

    Missing Entries Request Thread

    Matski · 18 · Last reply by Matski

    Can we use this forum as a place to request new discography entries? I've noticed a handful of recent albums that seem to have missed AllMusic's radar. It may be because they haven't been physical released yet though they have all been made available digitally. Users who have already had a chance to listen to these albums may also appreciate being able to rate them. Here are the missing albums:

    Boris - 'No' [Sources - Official Site | Bandcamp] Chloe x Halle - 'Ungodly Hour' [Sources - Official Store | Soundcloud] Nicolas Jaar - 'Telas' [Sources - Official Site |

  • 6

    include artist's styles in Advanced Search

    rootsmusic · 4 · Last reply by rootsmusic

    Since some (especially older) albums are missing metadata for styles, please include the artist's styles when filtering in Advanced Search.

  • 6

    It is disappointing to see that All Music engages in censorship

    Cargocoffee · 3 · Last reply by Murray Winship

    It is disappointing to see that All Music engages in censorship.

    In response to the review of Ryan Adams new album in which the reviewer didn't actually discuss the merits of the record but instead focused on the controversy surrounding the artist, I wrote the following:

    ”Well, that is an embarrassing non-review by All Music. I get it: Ryan Adams is a creep. But you know what? Many if not most artists are creeps. Is All Music going to go back and down review records put out by Jerry Lee Lewis? Led Zepplin? Phil Spector?  

    Wednesdays is a fascinating

  • 4
    Under Review

    Upcoming Album Reviews

    Matski · 4 · Last reply by Selena Gomez Doll

    Congrats on the new home AMG staffers. To help you get things started here I wanted to ask if it would be possible to get some new albums listed for review. All of these are already out digitally but are still awaiting physical release. It would be interesting to get your reviewer's opinions on the following:

    • [07/17] The Soft Pink Truth - Shall We Go on Sinning So That Grace May Increase?
    • [07/17] Yaeji - What We Drew
    • [08/07] Laura Marling - Song for Our Daughter
    • [08/21] Alchemist & Freddie Gibbs - Alfredo
    • [08/21] Jeff Rosentock - No Dream


  • 4

    Limit reviews, sure, and 3000 characters is not enough

    Kate Harvie · 5 · Last reply by rootsmusic

    You want people to share honest, thorough perspectives and opinions about records. To do this, you need to give us space to do it. I'm 3000 characters is insufficient here, and I ask you to please consider extending the length of reviews. If you want to be a destination for people to learn, be inspired, and buy, this is a way to do that.

  • 4

    album review request

    rootsmusic · 4 · Last reply by Matski

    I'm surprised that your editors didn't review Anaïs Mitchell's new album.  Critics from most music publications have chosen to review it.  Unlike Allmusic, they also reviewed her last album of originals from a decade ago.

    After a decade, she has something original to say on record again.  When a singer-songwriter self-titles an eponymous album, I always regard it as a personal statement.  Even among fellow Grammy winners, she stands out for having won a Tony Award too.

  • 4

    Advanced Search - Sort by Artist

    Matski · 2 · Last reply by Black Dragon

    Is there any chance of implementing a toggle to the artist name column, in the advanced search? Having the ability to order between artists alphabetically or reverse-alphabetically would be very helpful. It seems odd that the other three columns have this feature but this one doesn't.

  • 3

    I would subscribe to your ad free service in a minute if you would provide Spotify links in your emails and on your website. Promise!

    wiesenator · 5 · Last reply by SpotifyThrowbacks

    Please, add a play on Spotify link to all albums and reviews in email and on your website. If possible, add an option to add the album to a play later play list. That would be totally cool and I would subscribe to a paid subscription if that would be an exclusive feature. Ad free is not that important to me. I either ignore the ads or use an ad blocker. Add some cool value to the subscription.

    Thanks, André 

  • 3
  • 2

    Let users suggest similar artists, similar albums

    Benoit MORRIER · 1 · Last reply by rootsmusic

    It would be nice to have a place where members can suggest similar artists or similar albums, with a rating system (up arrow, down arrow) for the suggestions. 

    Current "similar artists", "similar albums" could also include that rating system.

    We could then see at a glance what other people suggest and general consensus about similarities.

  • 2

    add record labels to Advanced Search

    rootsmusic · 2 · Last reply by rootsmusic

    Please add record label as a field in Advanced Search. For most record labels, browsing returns too many results without filtering capability.  For example, Cleopatra has been credited as a record label on thousands of albums. (About a quarter of its albums are tributes, and many have an interesting twist because they're recorded in a musical style different from the tributee's style.)

    P.S. please delete my duplicate idea.

  • 2

    Would it be possible to bring back the short, tagline-like versions of the bio, perhaps with a read-more button to expand them to the full bio?

    As the artist pages stand right now, I see little point in even having the biography tab when the biography is already taking up most of the page real estate to begin with. The short taglines were earnestly my favorite feature of the site - the ability to quickly learn what an artist is about without having to read the full bio was EXTREMELY valuable to me, and in building my own personal library I often added the short bio taglines as "comments" in the metadata of my MP3s, and wrote my own when none were to be found. Besides

  • 2

    deserves full biography

    rootsmusic · 2 · Last reply by rootsmusic

    For an artist who has several 4-star albums, Stomu Yamashta deserves more than a single-sentence bio.  I know that I can read album reviews, but a full biography would have a career overview that helps a newbie understand which album that I'm more likely to prefer.  An album pick would also be a nice tip to decide among his highest rated albums.

  • 2

    For your Year in Review (albums of the year)

    Myster Zman · 0 · Posted

    it would be really nice if there was an audio player embedded on each page so I can listen to a preview of each artist. It can be time consuming to go through each album page or look the artist up online on another site and then preview. It would be nice if an embedded player into each page gave a preview of at least a couple of songs from the record posted.

  • 2

    Include the possibility to filter the albums in your collection in the advanced search

    Arthur G. · 0 · Posted

    It would be nice to be able to filter the albums already in our collection in the advanced search, as Rate Your Music does.

  • 2

    request to review collaboration

    rootsmusic · 0 · Posted

    Unfortunately for me and despite their historical significance, I can guess your reason for passing on many new releases that interest me.  I can even guess why you're passing on a new release that features many guests dueting with an artist who you've consistently reviewed.  But I can't figure out why you're not reviewing a new debut that births a supergroup.

    Two leaders of different genres collaborate on this new release.  Spinning-off a new supergroup on an indie label without major distribution though, this collaboration involving their favorite group may be unknown even to fans.

    Your editor freaked about Freakwater

  • 2

    Editorial Group Request - The Top Albums of 2018 & 2019

    Matski · 2 · Last reply by anonymized

    At the end of 2019, AllMusic rolled-out a wonderful article that celebrated their favourite albums of the 2010s. To commemorate them, dozens of albums were updated to a full five-star rating. There was an exception; selected albums had to be at least two years old at the time of publication. With that in mind, I have two requests for the editoral team:

    - It's been more than two years since that article was published. Would the editorial team consider revisiting those albums from 2018 & 2019 that were previously ineligible for a five-star rating and award it to those they

  • 2

    The most unpleasant website I've every used

    Michael Mchlb · 1 · Last reply by Zac

    Just the most unpleasant website I've every used  - literally the most unpleasant, the most difficult, the most problematic. I know it's about monetizing but you couldn't be more annoying if you were actually trying to annoy. I click on something and an ad gets in the way, I try to type and suddenly I am clicking on an ad, I close out an ad and another ad pops up, I try to scroll and nothing happens or it causes a different ad to get in the way. You are a great resource but I am going to do my