Aggressive pop-up ads ruining experience

Ads that blink and block content keep popping up and I can't make them go away. Aggressive ads are killing an otherwise very good side and I don't think I'll keep coming back until ads are kept at a decent level (to the side, non-blinking). They really bug the heck out of me and almost make me panic in my unsuccessful attempts to make them go away. I can't focus on the site with them there and then there's no point in my coming back is there.

1 reply

Hi Michael

We've needed to move to a more aggressive ad model for many reasons. Detailed here if you're interested: https://allmedianetwork.helprace.com/i8-support-allmusic-and-go-ad-free

We also have a subscription version where users can support AllMusic and get a faster ad-free experience. https://www.allmusic.com/subscribe