The web page jumps around

The web page jumps around, presumably when you display adverts. The site is becoming unreadable and I am visiting less and less often. This is on wndos PC, windows lap top, macbook and android phone using chrome and opera.

Or find a way to display ads of a certain size so the page doesn't have to continually adjust. 

1 reply

If it were up to us we would just have static ads in out-of-the-way locations but the reality of the situation is that those kinds of ads don't pay enough to keep the site going.

The reason the page jumps is that when the page loads, we don't have enough information about which ad will fill that top slot. It might be narrow or it might be large, so we load the music information as quickly as possible and then place the ad as soon as we know which ad will fill that spot.

I know it can be frustrating, but the other option is to wait and not load any of the AllMusic content until we know which ads will be filling in (which can unfortunately take a while).  

AllMusic is one of a multitude of free, ad-supported sites that are using this "Load the content, then load the ads" method.

(With adblock off, mind you) I just looked at Pitchfork, Billboard, Slate, RottenTomatoes, Time, Variety, Vanity Fair, Metacritic, Stereogum, Spin, and Rolling Stone, and each of them exhibit the exact behavior:
  • The page opens,
  • The site's content loads,
  • The page shifts down (and up and back down in many cases) as the dynamic ad content loads,
  • Then everything settles into place (sometimes many many seconds after the page initially began loading.
There are dozens of even more intrusive and jarring ad units (gliders, sliders, accelerometers, launchpads, toggleskins, tophats, suitcase ads, text-based ads, slideshows, sponsored search results, etc etc) that we have passed on because they are even more disruptive to the browsing experience. 

We honestly try to place enough ads to keep the site running, and the type of ads that enable this are the kinds of ads you see on AllMusic now.
We also have a subscription version where users can support AllMusic and get a faster ad-free experience. https://www.allmusic.com/subscribe

Thanks for your honest feedback.

"If it were up to us we would just have static ads in out-of-the-way locations but the reality of the situation is that those kinds of ads don't pay enough to keep the site going."

So you lose customers. Does that pay well?