5 replies

Apologies. We had an issue where EU/UK users who were logged in were not loading pages correctly.
I believe this is resolved now if you clear your browser cache. https://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/home/
and do a Hard Refresh of the page: https://elod.in/how-to-do-a-hard-refresh-in-every-browser/

Hi Zac

Thanks very much for this. Unfortunately, having performed those steps I am still having the same issue where I can only see the home page and get 503 errors everywhere else. 

I have tried multiple browsers and I am in the UK. Are there are any other things I can try?



Hi Mike,

If you log out are you able to access the other pages on AllMusic?


Hi Zac

Yes - that works. Unfortunately, as soon as I log in again I get the error!

I'm unable to see my collection and ratings without being able to login



OK. I guess we didn't solve it completely. We'll keep working on it.

OK, after lots of digging I think we have it fully resolved.

At a high level, we had a parameter setting in our cache that needed to be increased that was causing intermittent failures. Please take a look and let us know if it is fixed for you. Sorry it took us so long to hunt down.


All fixed - thanks a lot Zac and I appreciate the effort you put in to resolve this so quickly.

