2025 Album Reviews Request
Opening this new question for people to request notable albums released this year that they feel merit a review, just to help AllMusic keep track - the final decision will of course be up the editors, whom I'd like to thank in advance for their generally excellent reviews and much-appreciated efforts to keep up!
What's with this stooping to greedy to rip off music fans?
I don't ask this lightly, but why use greedy as an excuse to justify "operating costs" and to rip people off like myself who have fixed income and are not multi-millionaires? That's not right? I do believe that I'm being betrayed and ripped off.
Mariah Carey Concern
Hello, I have noticed a glaring issue with the discography for Mariah Carey. Other female artists (Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Lil’ Kim, TLC, Aaliyah, Mary J. Blige, Madonna, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Donna Summer, Britney Spears - compilation, Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, etc.) have appropriately had album scores updated to five stars to reflect their respective classic albums, but this has not been done for Carey despite her level of influence and her insanely high-quality discography. It seems inexplicable that albums like Butterfly, Emancipation of Mimi, Daydream, Greatest Hits have not been updated to five stars to reflect their quality, influence, and