Floating "headlines" window hangs Safari.

For months now the little floating headlines preview window that presents four of five slides hangs Safari almost every time it loads regardless of the actual content. I can click the reload or stop loading action a few times until the page loads again then really quickly before it can hang up the page I close the floating window. I have to do that on each new page to prevent the page from hanging again.

I could use another browser as it seems to work fine in Firefox or Chrome but Safari is my preferred browser.

Thanks for AllMusic! It's my go-to for pop music history and reference.

- Scott in Toronto

1 reply

Hey Scott,
Sorry you are seeing these issues.

This player is part of our ad platform and ads are how we keep the site running.

We'll look into if there is anything that has changed within the code over the past months that would cause the player to have issues.

One option that removes the ads altogether and speeds up the site considerably is to become an AllMusic subscriber: https://www.allmusic.com/subscribe

Thanks for your longtime support.