Missing Ratings Thread

As a continuation of a thread from the old forum, I'd like to post any incidents here where a review is missing a rating. I'll continue to post here if more missing ratings are found, unless the moderators would prefer for seperate threads to be created with each newly-located incident.

Just one missing rating to start with:

While the review is short, the reviewer does breifly descibe the music. Furthermore, a similarly short review for the act's previous album, 'Is Survived By' has already been rated.

78 replies

Here's some more unrated reviews. Admittedly, calling many of these full reviews would be sketchy but it still may be worth having a look at them:

Just to confirm - the editors didn't want to rate these ones? Understandable if they didn't:

Can your team do their usual 'check and grade' to this lot, please:

Ashley Monroe - Satisfied
Antony and the Johnsons - Epilepsy Is Dancing
Antony and the Johnsons - You Are My Sister
Bob Marley - The 40 Greatest Songs
Bob Marley - Young Mystic
John Lennon - Icon
Marc Ribot - Asmodeus - Book of Angels, Vol. 7
Nils Lofgren - The Best of Nils Lofgren and Grin: The A&M Years
Oxbow - The Narcotic Story
Tony Bennett - Viva Duets
Tony Bennett / Bill Evans - The Complete Tony Bennet/Bill Evans Recordings
Wilco - iTunes Sessions
ZZ Top - Texicali

Bit of a Santana revisit for your team this month, if they are willing to rate them:

And also this one from Royal Blood:

Finally, is it's worth combining the following two Françoise Hardy entries? One is basically the American release of the French original: Tous les Garçons et les Filles (FR) and The Yeh-Yeh Girl from Paris (US)


Okay, there are a few things for you to check out this month. Firstly, a mix of studio and live albums for your team to scan over and rate, if they have any spare time:

Second, after combining the entries for Françoise Hardy's Tous les Garçons et les Filles and The Yeh-Yeh Girl From Paris last month (thank you for following that up) the rating went missing. Do you think you could put it back on there? If memory serves, it had a four star rating.

Lastly, the release date for Evanescence's Fallen was recently changed to 2023, for some reason. Maybe it's to do with the 20th Anniversary edition being released. As that suggests, it was originally released in 2003 (source - official site). Could you change the date back on the main release?

Posting this a few days earlier than planned. Quite an unusual mixture of names this time. Think it's worth rating any of them?

I'll give your team this, the new website design sure makes it easier to find unrated reviews. So many new unrated reviews that there will be a few posts over the next couple of weeks. First up, is another collection of odds-n-ends for your team to rate, if they're willing:

The next set of requests for a rating contains a selection of Beatles-related releases:

Time for another fresh set of unrated reviews! Can someone ask the editorial team look through these ones out and give them a rating?

Oh, and just out of curiosity, did the editorial team decide they didn't want to rate the entries from the last few requests?

I have passed them all along.

If you read through the descriptions of the albums by The Who and members of The Beatles from recent requests, you may notice that they are more like descriptions of the contents of the package as opposed to a critical analysis of the music and the recordings.

Those typically won't get a critical editorial rating.

Reading back through them and I guess you're right. The only on that reads more like a review is Beatles Anthology: The Director's Cut.

Missed one - can a rating also be added to Excerpts from the Diary of Todd Zilla by Grandaddy?

I can pass these along, but many of the "reviews" on these albums look more like descriptions of the content on the CD as opposed to an in-depth critical analysis of the music, so they may not get full editorial ratings.

Not many this month. Been sure to check that they all read like reviews though. If you could kindly rate them..:

Two requests this month. First is the usual - a list of unrated reviews that I've noticed. Admittedly, some of these are descriptions rather than reviews but I'd appreciate it if you could forward on the ones that will be given a rating:

With the second request, there seems to be two separate entries for Manuel Göttsching's 'Inventions for Electric Guitar' - Entry One and Entry Two

Can they be merged together?


The new Bruce Dickinson record has a review (well it's more like a synopsis) but it doesn't have a rating. Can you give it one?

My guess is that since this reads more like an objective overview than a critical analysis, it likely won't get an editorial rating.


If the writer has listened to it and all it's going to get is a short statement like that, couldn't they just stick a rating on it anyway?

If you read the text, it isn't really a critical review. It reads more like basic factual information that can be assessed from a one-sheet or an overview of the album. It says who plays on it and what some of the themes are, but doesn't go into any detail about the quality of the recording. Because of this, I don't think it should be given a qualitative rating. 

If at some point a music editor can go in and really give it an assessment (replacing this short statement with a full review), it will likely get a star rating at that point.

Looking for more unrated reviews/filler-statements to pore over and possibly assign a rating to? Here's a fresh list to kick off the new month:

in particular, the Massive Attack, My Dying Bride and Richard Thompson entries read more like reviews but the other are included just in case you want to rate them anyway.

There's also another double entry to merge, if you happy to do so. This one is found within Gal Costa's discography - her 1969 self-titled record can be found both here and here.

No takers with this list? It's surprising that none of them were rated. Shame.

Will start of with a request to merge the following two entries:

...and here are another selection of unrated reviews. Would appreciate it if someone would give these a score. Thanks in advance.

Thanks for all the ratings that were added to last month's request. This month there's a shorter list for your team to check out and possibly rate, if they'd be happy to do so:


How do you feel about rating Burzum records? Dauði Baldrs, Sôl Austan Mâní Vestan and Draugen: Rarities all have reviews without a reviewer's rating. Can you add some to them?

Still surprised to find unrated reviews. Starting to wonder how may are left. Anyway, here are my finds from the last month. Any chance of giving a rating to these reviews?

For last month's discoveries, there were half-a-dozen reviewed albums that have been found without ratings. Feel free to ask if the editorial would like to add one to any of these:

Seeming as your team were so speedy with the previous list (nice work!) here are another handful of releases for them to look through. If they could add a rating to any of them that would be fantastic:


Some of your new reviews do not have ratings. You may want to check the following:

 >>>> by BEAK>

Keep Me Fed by The Warning

Lemons, Limes and Orchids by Joan As Police Woman

Lil Boat by Lil Yachty

Days Before Rodeo by Travis Scott

Bear with me here: after not being able to access the forum for a while I've been saving up quite a number of unrated reviews. If you're up to the challenge, please have a look at this list and award those that you feel should have one:

Amy Winehouse - Frank B-Sides
Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Cold 'n' Wet
Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Strange Form of Life
Bruce Springsteen - Dream Baby Dream
Fleetwood Mac - Blues Jam in Chicago, Vol. 2
Fleetwood Mac - Live at the Record Plant...
Fleetwood Mac - London Live '68
Fleetwood Mac - Perfect Days: Live & Studio Recordings
The Horrors - Shadazz
King Crimson - 21st Century Guide to King...
King Crimson - Live in Japan 1995
King Crimson - Live in Mexico 1996
King Crimson - The Collector's King Crimson...
Klaus Schulze - La Vie Electronique, Vol. 15
Klaus Schulze - ...Live...
Klaus Schulze - Official Boot, Vol. 1: Stars...
Klaus Schulze - Virtual Outback
Lady Gaga - The Lowdown
Sonny Clark - Sonny Clark Trio [Time]
Steve Roach - Journey of One: The Tribal...
Steve Roach... - Mantram
Suicide... - Diamonds Furcoat Champagne
Suicide | Lydia Lunch - Frankie Teardrop
The The - Cinéola, Vol. 3: Hyena
Xiu Xiu - Remixed & Covered
Young Widows - Wound Widows Split Series, Vol. 1

As usual, please can you attach some ratings to the following unrated reviews: