Missing Ratings Thread

As a continuation of a thread from the old forum, I'd like to post any incidents here where a review is missing a rating. I'll continue to post here if more missing ratings are found, unless the moderators would prefer for seperate threads to be created with each newly-located incident.

Just one missing rating to start with:

While the review is short, the reviewer does breifly descibe the music. Furthermore, a similarly short review for the act's previous album, 'Is Survived By' has already been rated.

78 replies


Zac, new release with a lengthy review but missing rating at https://www.allmusic.com/album/the-d-vine-spirituals-8230--mw0003608877

We received the review without the rating this morning, I contacted the author around noon, he added the rating into the database after I contacted him, we should receive the updated information overnight and it should publish out tomorrow.

Okay, here are two unrated reviews. Both by the same artist:

What do you think, worthy of a rating?

Found a pair of reviews written for the band, Leviathan. Doesn't seem like they've been given a rating:

Thanks for forwarding these on. Seems most of them have ratings now, though 'Take Me to the Disco' is still missing one.

Could a rating also be awarded to the review for 'Rooms of the House' by La Dispute?

The editors chose not to apply a rating to 'Take Me to the Disco' and I believe the text associated with 'Rooms of the House' is more of a pre-release descriptive document than a review which does not usually receive a rating.

Stumbled across this compilation from Public Enemy. Seems like editor wrote a well-rounded review for it but left off the rating.

Not sure about these two:

Brockhampton: 'Saturation III' - Much of the write-up reads like a pre-release descriptor, though the editor draws comparisons to previous releases and even quotes lyrics.

Young Fathers: 'Tape One' - It's very short yet much of it is spent describing the music.

Thanks for relaying last week's request so quickly. Here are a few more unrated reviews that I've found since then:

Found a handful of unrated reviews recently. Do you think they deserve to be rated?:

As an additional request, 'Live Consternation' by Katatonia seems to have two different entries - one and two. Do you think it's worth merging them together?

While your team updated the ratings on the last bunch of entries, I've been looking through the compilations of some more well-known musicians and found many unrated reviews. Without inundating you with links, here are the first selection:

Also, thank you for merging the two Live Consternation entries. However, it now seems to be missing its rating!

It may have been too close to the end of last year to request these entries be looked at. Or maybe the editors felt rating them was unnecessary. Ever find out what the story was?

I'll send these along.

I essentially can pass these in as requests but the team is pretty busy and I don't always hear back on their reasoning as to what may get covered and what won't.


Just one missing rating to kick-off the year. Is it possible to have someone look into it?:

Martha - Courting Strong

Hey Zac, there are dozens of compilation reviews that seem to be missing ratings. Rather than dump the whole lot on your plate, would it be best if I break-up the acts into smaller groups and pass each selection on once the last lot have been updated? Here's the first selection that I'd appreciate the team look at:


Def Leppard

Elton John

Pearl Jam

Okay, nearly finished with the unrated releases to mark-up, at least for a while. The first entry here was listed previously but was left unrated. Was that intentional?

One more selection of reviewed yet unrated releases. I'm sure that 808 State record did have a rating at one point. It may have been taken off recently. In any case, thanks in advance for all your hard work:

Does the paragraph for Billie Eilish's Don't Smile at Me warrant a rating? The piece does describe the release, albeit only in one sentence throughout the entire passage. What do you think?

This seems to be one of our "Pre-Release Reviews" which gives some objective information about an album but is not really a critical analysis (and therefore does not usually get a rating). Billie Eilish is an artist who has grown so much in popularity since the debut EP came out, it should maybe be formally reviewed. I'll pass this along.

Don't worry about it too much. I was just curious if it counted or not. It's the only piece I've spotted recently that could be remotely considered an unrated review.

Does the editorial team take requests for records not released in the current year?

"Does the editorial team take requests for records not released in the current year?"

I mean... there isn't really a request box for albums to be reviewed. In the past I have passed along requests and sometimes they'll get covered and sometimes they don't.

If an album that got missed ends up with a lot of user ratings and user reviews it may be a better candidate for a review than something that is just older and un-reviewed.

Hope this helps.

Stephen Thomas Erlewine's recent review of Donald Fagen's The Nightfly Live seems to have slipped by without a rating. Is it possible for your team to amend it?



Found another unrated review while looking at Faust's compilations: Faust Faust/So Far


Great to see. Thanks!

Found this one within the new article on EPs. It's another one that I'm not sure if it qualifies for a rating as the write-up is kinda short, even if it is descriptive. Could your team check out if Sunset Season by Conan Grey was meant to have a rating?

This feels like a "pre-release review" to me, and while it does have some descriptive language, I don't get the vibe that it was thoroughly analyzed like a full review would be. It makes sense for this particular review to not be accompanied by a subjective rating.

That's understandable. Thanks for responding so quickly.

After checking out the review for Parquet Courts' new album, I stumbled across this entry:

Parkay Quarts / Parquet Courts - Sunbathing Animal/Content Nausea

Feel this review likely deserves a rating. Noticed that their live album has an write-up too but that one seems more like a synopsis than a review.

Got another unrated review for y'all. Found it while looking through Billy Bragg's discography:

Billy Bragg - The Internationale

Unrated reviews (user ratings 4.5) for The Evening Call and Over and Under.

New year, new series of posts. First up, a selection of reviews for Depeche Mode are missing their ratings. Pretty sure all of these entries qualify for one:

I'm not so sure about this next selection. It would grreat to see some ratings on them but admittedly, a few of them read more like summaries or previews instead:

See what you think and feel free to send off the ones you believe deserve a rating.

I'll pass these along. Thanks.

The Depeche Mode singles and EPs have been rated. The other ones you listed are indeed "pre-release" coverage that will likely not receive ratings.


Yeah, none of the second set have received a rating. Thanks for forwarding the query on to the team anyway.

Here are a few more for your team to look into. All three seem to have thorough reviews: