Why is my album collection is not accurate.

I am checking my iTunes library to the AllMusic album collection.  Two of my albums are by BWB.  They do not appear in the alphabetical list of artists, under B?

I have two albums by Christian Sands and one by Christian Scott.  The Scott listing appears between the two Sands listings.

6 replies

Strange. Can you post screenshots of what you are seeing (or not seeing)?


See above


Christian Scott is listed between two Christian Sands albums?


BWB Grovin' not showing up in my list of albums under B?

OK. I think the issue with BWB not appearing is that our display / sort method puts artists with all capital letters ahead of artists with normal capitalization.

I bet if you look at the top of your "B" section of your collection it will appear there.
Not ideal, but I think that is likely the case.

As far as the Christian Sands/Christian Scott situation, that is strange. I have added those three albums to my collection an they appear correct.

Did you maybe sort your collection by clicking on "Album" or "Artist" or "Your Rating" at the top? It should still sort properly, but trying to troubleshoot this issue.

Thanks for this helpful information.


Yes, that is where BWB was listed.  Now, where are my various artist(s) albums?

Various Artist albums should be listed under "V"


Notice the Gill Evans duplicate of the Jimi Hendrix music.

That's just because there are two different records in the database with slightly different titles that should probably be merged.



If you have marked both of those albums as being in your collection, that is why both are showing up.


That is what I thought and thought you would want to know.


Here is one more strong occurrence.  This album is listed under Quincy Jones in my Album collection?Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 4.34.15 PM.png

It is filed under "The Quintet," one of the names associated with the album.