How to turn off Top Articles pop-up mini player?


How do you permanently turn off/disable the completely annoying mini-player "Top Articles" that pops up on nearly every page on AllMusic?
It shows up in the middle of the right side of the screen on my laptop - and repeats some of the same articles already on the AllMusic home page slideshow header.
See attachment. 

Thank you


3 replies


Thanks Andrew, I received no notice that my subscription was due for renewal and my name appeared at the top right of the page so it looked like I was still logged in. I've resubscribed and the ads are gone (I think). Many thanks. Robert


I’m a subscriber and am getting these annoying popups too. If they don’t stop I’ll find it difficult to resubscibe.

Hi Robert.
It looks like your Subscription expired on October 20, 2022.

If you take a look at this page: https://www.allmusic.com/user/paid-subscription you should see your current subscription status.

If you renew your subscription, the ads will be removed.

Hi Andrew.

This is part of the advertising on AllMusic. It does display the articles but also has the ability to show an ad in that player (which helps us keep the lights on).

You can choose to close the ad on each page (but it will load again on the next page you come to).

The best solution is to become an AllMusic subscriber which removes all of the ads from the site (and supports our site).

More detail here: https://www.allmusic.com/blog/post/support-allmusic-and-go-ad-free-with-a-paid-subscription


Thank you for the helpful reply. I thought I had subscribed previously, but perhaps I am mistaken. Regardless, I just paid for a subscription, so hopefully, the ad pop-up will disappear and I can continue to enjoy the website, reviews and articles.
Thanks again.
