duplicate entries

"Women Across the River" is listed under its composer David Olney and shows nothing under "also performed by."  HOWEVER there is also an entry for the song as "Women 'Cross the River" with Olney as the writer and recorded by Linda Ronstadt and by Eric Anderson/Rick Danko.  These entries should be combined as "Women Across the River" aka "Women 'Cross the River."

1 reply

Hi Jane,
This is kind of a tough one to sort out because Linda Ronstadt and Anderson/Danko chose to change the name of the song on the albums they recorded. Our system of determining a "song" (meaning a composed work) is to use the text of the song plus the composer. In this case (in our system) "Women Across the River+David Olney" and "Women Cross the River+David Olney" are treated as different entities.

We don't really have a concept of "This song is an alias of another song" and so we would either need to change the text of the song title on the Ronstadt and Anderson/Danko releases (which wouldn't really be correct) or leave them as separate entities (which is also not exactly ideal).

We'll look into this and see if there is another work-around.