What's this shit? When I last used the site in 2021, you provided real information, like the track lists of obscure albums. Now all I see is the stuff I ALREADY FSCKING KNEW, like the name of the artist and album. Exactly what value are you providing? Or

What's this shit? When I last used the site in 2021, you provided real information, like the track lists of obscure albums. Now all I see is the stuff I ALREADY FSCKING KNEW, like the name of the artist and album. Exactly what value are you providing? Or to put it bluntly, WTF do you think I'm going to resubscribe for? What value am I getting for my money in 2025 (unlike in 2021)?

2 replies


The difference (as I eventually learned) is that the information density has been dramatically reduced!

If I can't find the most important details on a 27" full screen display because there is so much extra garbage cluttering the screen (graphics too large, random crap everywhere) you have failed.

Logging in again after restarting and I see that I now get a rather different layout, somewhat closer to the old layout (except for the additional random crap)

I have no idea what you are trying to do here. The model seems to be that I want a "dashboard" full of randomly placed widgets (various "play" buttons, [frequently replicated three or four times], random pieces of video) and a whole lot of scrolling to get to a track list. You've adopted the latest stupid web ideologies with zero concern for how much screen space they take up, and you've implemented them badly. So instead of a functional web page, I get a dysfunctional emulation of my phone. 

I stand by my comments: What the fsck is this shit???

Hi Maynard,

The information we displayed in 2021 is the same info we're displaying now.

We still list the tracks of albums, both popular and obscure.

In fact, here is the track listing of an album called Obscure (which I'm sure very few people have heard of):