Wow what happened to the website? Yesterday about 2pm est.

Takes forever to load pages and look up artists.   The discography?  Forget about it.  Nothing.
Did you have some servers go down or what? 

Today same problems.   Takes forever to search or load sometimes giving back empty pages.

15 replies

We're seeing the same thing and are working with our service provider to solve it.

Thanks for the heads-up.


Seems to be running much better now!   Thanks!


Still not working. On Mac Safari, the site doesn't render; just shows text (same on Mac, iPad & iPhone). On Chrome for Mac, the homepage shows: 

This page isn’t working

www.allmusic.com is currently unable to handle this request.


What browsers do you recommend, for example, for iPad? I’ve tried Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, DuckDuckGo - none of these currently work. 

We had server issues overnight but were able to resolve them this morning.


Seem to be still getting back end fetch errors.

Hi Mark,

We made an update to our servers around this time today which can cause hiccups for a few minutes.

Is it still happening?




Its having issues loading the pages now.  I deleted cookies.   Didn't change anything.


Again, this seems to happen whenever we update our servers and roll code but for some reason we're never able to see the same issue you are.

Are you still seeing it now?
Or is is just a short time?

If you do a hard refresh of the page, does it load properly?
Hard refresh: Hold the Ctrl key and click the Refresh button.


It happened for about 20 minutes.  Seems OK now.  

A hard reset (shift key) did nothing.   I also tried firefox and that worked a little better but was still having issues.


Still getting random http errors viewing albums and songs

Hi Mark,

Can you please go to this page and send us the URL it creates for you (next to the green button that says "Copy")


Thanks for the info, Mark.
We haven't heard about specific issues with the Edge browser.

If you see this again, could you go to this URL in your browser: edge://settings/siteData

then follow these instructions?


Problems with site?  


Yep. Somebody started crawling us at around 1pm.

It increased our server pool but as it is scaling the site struggles.

Should be back now.

Thanks for the heads-up.


Issues?   Site was down.   Now clicking links doesn't work.   I assume you all are aware?

Thanks. Fixing now.

We've been working with our tech team on automatically catching these issues but it looks like the best solution is for us to just replace the servers weekly until this issue can be resolved.

We appreciate the heads-up.


Seems to be OK now!   Thanks for fixing it so quickly.


Slow searching yesterday and even worse today.   Anything reported?

Hi Mark, We've been able to use the site properly and are not getting any other reports.

Can you let us know what page you are on?


Definitely still an issue.   Slow search and page results on left all show 0.

So strange. I wish we could reproduce it.

Can you please email us at support (at) allmusic (dot) com and send us the URL it creates for you (next to the green button that says "Copy"): https://www.whatsmybrowser.org/


Just searched for Rare Bird and clicked on discography and got this: 


Also when I click on a song to show what albums it appears on I get this every time.

Yep. 16 minutes ago we refreshed our servers and something didn't come up right.

Thanks for the heads-up

Should be fixed now.


Yup!  working fine now.   Had to clear my cache but all good.  Thanks!

Hi Mark,

When we roll code, it takes a few minutes for the new info to make it out to all the servers.
What you're seeing here is the data on the page loading but the CCS (the code that tells the page what to look like) is still out of sync.

Usually when this happens, if you wait 30 seconds it fixes itself.