Search is weird
Search is weird at the moment. 'charles lloyd blessing', for example, does not return any of the many recordings of his 'The Blessing' (and many other searches also turn up suspiciously few results). Is there something wrong?
@tv Nice work. If you spot anymore, feel free to post them here:
Cheers, I will, I'd somehow never come across that thread. :)
Rating's still missing by the way.
Try checking it again next Thursday or Friday afternoon. Any rating changes need to be checked by the editorial team, who convene towards the end of each week, when they upload new reviews onto the website.
Serious question: you're not removing all ratings and reviews, right? I'm still kind of traumatized from the collapse of AllMovie.
AllMusic should be fine.
An issue happened with our data provider and several data elements have gone missing from what is made available to us. This is impacting search results primarily at the moment, and we may see several other phantoms and ghosts appearing and disappearing over the next day or two as we add back the missing data that has been (temporarily) removed.
We're hoping to have the whole process resolved by Friday at the latest.
Data is creeping back in:
This brings back her song "Bugs" as the second result (as of noon on Saturday)
Thanks for the heads-up.
We've automated our server refresh to replace the instances every two weeks and it looks like you reported this outage at the 13 day and 12 hour mark. We may need to do it weekly. Thanks again.
Looks like this one too.
We'll ask the editor about these two.
We may have had another issue with our search databuilding server.
We're seeing that available in search now:'max%20roach%20abstrutions'
Hi there.
You are right. That is weird.
The song appears on this album:
but it doesn't come up in search:
We'll investigate. Thanks