discography's thumbnails are zoomed in

Why are the discography thumbnails zoomed in?  Since you don't have a collaborator search, I often scan album covers as a proxy for finding collaborative albums.

2 replies

Is this not the view you are seeing?

No Zac, I'm browsing with Safari for iPadOS.

We'll take a look on an iPad.


Hey there,

We've made some changes that seem to have fixed this for iPadOS users.

Hope the covers are displaying properly now.

Thanks for the heads-up.

No Zac, not fixed yet.

Hmm. Can you please let us know what version of iOS on your iPad you are using?

"Tap on the iPad 'Settings' icon. Navigate down to 'General' and tap on 'About'. Here you will see a list of options. Locate 'Software Version' and to the right will show you the current iOS version the iPad is running."

Zac, I'm browsing with Safari 17.1 for iPadOS 17.1.2 and my iPad's model is MR7G2LL/A.

Any way you could clear your browser cache to see if that corrects the issue?

  1. Open the Safari app on your iPad.

  2. Tap the Show Sidebar button, tap the History button, then tap Clear.

  3. Below Clear Timeframe, choose how much of your browsing history to clear.

    Note: If you have Safari profiles set up, select a profile to clear only the history of that profile, or select All Profiles.

  4. Tap Clear History.

Thanks Zac, fixed!