Someone please check "brian keith" in small letters; especially an obvious gaslighting and trolling 12 points up and 12 points down in his favor...

Someone please check "brian keith" in small letters; especially an obvious gaslighting and trolling 12 points up and 12 points down in his favor...(Look at the latest Neil Young album "World Record") It amazes me that weird names pop up and decimate, we the people that spend time to build and shine allmusic.com with salient and relevant reviews. How is it even possible he can get 12 points on the same day I lose 12 points? Yes, this is an ongoing problem, and needs to be addressed if we want a democracy with our participants. ZAC, I know you are on top of this, so here is another glaring example my friend! Cheers, and Happy Thanksgiving too. Pax, Murf

2 replies

Murf, your review on that album is very inflammatory and aggressive right out of the gate:

"As usual the naysayers and posers will blast this timeless musician's creativity again"
"throughout generation after generation of naysayers and goonies trying to sink him."

Plus at one point you state that God is a man ("since God was just a boy") and then later you state that God is a woman ("Even God herself loves his music to this day!")

The other reviews you write are informative, not accusatory and those don't get downvoted.

Opinions are great, but if a writer chooses to call other users naysayers, posers, and goonies, you gotta expect that people may react negatively.


Good point, of course... I do see what you're saying but again "brian keith"? comes back once again with 14 pts (up and down) accordingly overnight, on the same date with Simple Minds "Direction of the Heart".  (I don't see anything inflammatory here either, do you my friend?) Gaslighters have been pointed out on this site before. I know that you've much constructive criticism for my posts, (and that is a good thing). Just be aware that since I started using that term "gaslighting" I'd borrowed from the former Dixie Chicks, it has become a worldwide phenomena of a vocabulary entry now. Peace or PAX as always, and BTW I always thought that God was neither male nor female, or even human for that matter. This is what my post was alluding to, as we are always ready to tear down what we don't understand you see. Life is funny that way, and I like to think universally, as well as big, big on expansion with conceptualizing in my narrow grasp of reality. Cheers, Murf