Bill Callahan - Ytilaer

Do you know if there is a review for Ytilaer by Bill Callahan on the way? While it was released digitally a few weeks ago, the vinyl release isn't set until next year so the review may be set for a later date.

EDIT: I'd also be interested to know if Tim Sendra plans to review Laminated Denim by King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard. It's been interesting watching him blaze through their prolific discography over the past few years. However, this new album seemed to have missed AllMusic's notifications, up until a couple of days ago. Glad to see an entry has now gone up for it. Hopefully a review is to follow shortly after.

2 replies

The King Gizzard review is up: https://www.allmusic.com/album/laminated-denim-mw0003850833

I have not heard back on the Bill Callahan review.

That makes the twenty-seventh (?) release from the band to be reviewed over the last decade. With that level of perseverance, I wonder whether the writer has what it would take to review all those official live Pearl Jam bootlegs...

Thanks for forwarding the query about Bill Callahan. I vaguely remember the review for his 2020 album, 'Gold Record' arriving a while after its release. I get the feeling that Drag City doesn't have AllMusic on Bill's press release list.

A marvellous read. Thanks again for passing on the request.

Bill's latest is available on CD, and it's been reviewed by many publications.