Trying to fix artist name for a year now: Debra Cohen shows up in search as Debra J Cohen (remove the J), and the music that shows up is by DeVora Cohen instead of Debra Cohen.

DeVora Cohen is defunct and should not be on AllMusic.  She was updated with name Debra Cohen (no middle initial please).  Been trying to fix this for a year!

4 replies

Can you help us clarify?

We do see an entry under DeVora Cohen (the name with that spelling is printed on the album cover).

Are you saying that you used to perform as DeVora Cohen but now prefer to go by Debra Cohen?

Should this album now be listed under an entry for Debra Cohen?


I used to perform as DeVora Cohen years ago but changed my artist name in 2018 to Debra Cohen, yes.


This song, CD is re-released as Debra Cohen.  The CD cover is defunct on ALLMusic because there is no more DeVora.  Your artist search lists me as “Debra J Cohen” but my artist name should have no middle initial.


That CD cover belongs to DeVora Cohen, a defunct artist.  The CD name should be Debra Cohen.

Could you DELETE THIS SONG and I'll resend with correct CD Cover because I think the ISRC is also outdated on your site?Stronger