Advertising overload is killing your website

You are destroying your website, which has been drowned in a sea of intrusive and annoying advertising. Allmusic used to be my favourite music website, and I used it for many years for teaching and research.

Now, I'd rather use Wikipedia, which has more comprehensive information without the advertising overkill. Your website is dying, and only the website managers can save it. Limit advertising, update information, or your supporters will abandon you.

26 replies


I've used AllMusic as a source for hundreds of citations on Wikipedia - I consider it close to definitive in terms of reliability. However, I all but stopped visting the site several years ago because the popups made it near impossible to use, so I in recent years I've limited my visits to quick lookups for a radio show I host and nothing more.

Tonight, I thought I'd give it another shot for an article I'm working on, but after 20 minutes or so I had to bail when an ad wouldn't close - the top-right button was labelled Close but the popup persisted and eventually it took over the screen.

I understand the need to monetize an enterprise and have no problem with ads in general. But your approach, the design of how you're forcing these messages on visitors, strikes me as self-defeating. Anyway, I know I'm defeated. The cost in time is a deterrent and I'm not about to pay ransom, especially since I have countless alternatives. Try something a bit more user friendly, for example, a sidebar that stays there on a PC or bottom bar for phones. Anyway, thanks for all your fine information but not for how you're trying to pay for it.