Welcome to the New AllMusic User Portal

Welcome to our brand-new user portal! For years we were using another service but they are shutting down so this is the place where you can submit requests, ask a question or share your ideas in our community. You can report problems or give praise, too!

2 replies


Zac, How do you post a question?  I keep typing my question out and hitting return but the question is never actually posted! Tks New Member David Navratil


Hi David,
The site can be a little confusing, but here's how to ask a question:

Step 1 is to select one of the tabs above the text box like "Ask a Question" or "Share an Idea."
(If you are just on the magnifying glass, it only searches for similar topics)

It is also helpful to us if you select the specific forum you have a question about (see the second arrow).

Step 2: Once you have typed in the topic and hit enter (or the other magnifying glass at the end of the row) you will be offered similar questions that have already been asked. If you still need to continue on to ask your question, click the "Continue Posting" button at the bottom.

From there you will be taken to a screen that allows you to ask your question:


The biography written by Bruce Eder of the sixties rock group The Association was an outstanding read.