Requests for September 2021
This will be the fresh new page for new shows/added shows/show update requests for September - I have been doing my best to keep up with fall premieres and making sure they are all set - I am working if you notice and premieres missing, as always let me know! Thanks :)
Premieres & Finales Page (Plus a New Homepage)
We've been hard at work in SideReel HQ to try to fill in some of the long-term requests you have had.
Today we rolled out the Premieres & Finales Page: https://www.sidereel.com/tv-premieres-finales-calendar
Here you should be able to scroll through and see which shows have season premieres, series premieres, season finales and series finales.
There is a Grid view which shows the poster image for the show, and also a more condensed List view that is just the basics. You can toggle between these two views by selecting from the icons at the top of the page:
Requests for August 2021
Hope everyone is staying happy and healthy! This will be the fresh new page for new shows/added shows/show update requests for August :)
Requests for July 2021
Happy Summer! Hope you're all healthy and happy! This will be the fresh new page for new shows/added shows/show update requests in July! Thanks!
Requests for June 2021
Happy June everyone! Hope you're all healthy and happy! You know the drill! This will be the fresh new page for new shows/added shows/show update requests in June! Thanks!
Requests for May 2021
May really snuck up on me! Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. You know the drill! This will be the fresh new page for new shows/added shows/show update requests in May! Thanks!
Requests for April 2021
Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. This will be the fresh new page for new shows/added shows/show update requests in April! Thanks!
Requests for March 2021
Hello! Hope everyone is doing well! As usual, this will be the fresh new page for add/update show requests in March! Thanks everyone!
Subscribe to SideReel for an Ad-Free Experience
The internet is a very different place now than it was in 2007 when SideReel first came online. The methods of keeping a free website in business have changed, involving more technologically advanced advertisements that can be seen as intrusive to the browsing experience. Additionally, the methods that ad technologies use to serve up relevant ads can slow down a website by placing dozens of calls to multiple services before finally loading the page. We recognize this and would like to offer an alternative.
At SideReel, we pride ourselves on providing our tracking tools for TV fans for more than
Support SideReel and Go Ad-Free with Scroll
We're excited to announce our partnership with Scroll, an online membership program which removes ads from SideReel (as well as from sites like AllMusic, AllMovie, The Verge, Vox, Gizmodo, Slate, The Onion, The Atlantic and many others). With Scroll, users pay $5/month and receive an ad-free reading experience on hundreds of sites, which allows pages on SideReel load faster and with fewer trackers. Then Scroll distributes that money back to the sites you visit the most.
Scroll has been covered on The Verge in their article "The Scroll Subscription Service is an Ingenious Web Technology Hack," while TechCrunch acknowledged the
Add/Update Show Requests for February 2021
Hello! Hope everyone is doing well! As usual, this will be the fresh new page for add/update show requests in February! Thanks everyone!
New Show Requests for January 2021
Welcome to a brand new year; 2021!! Happy New Year! Hope everyone is still staying safe!
Please place all your requests for new shows and show updates for January here! Thanks everyone!
TV Show Poster Images
We're currently having some issues with our image servers so if you are seeing some of your favorite shows without posters, that is a known issue and we are actively working on it.
Thanks for your patience.
New Show Requests for December 2020
I'm not sure how but we made it to the final month of 2020; we did it! Please place all your requests for new shows and show updates for December here! Thanks everyone, stay safe!
Your Profile: Lists, Tracked Shows, Reviews and Ratings!
We're glad to announce that users can now see their profiles on SideReel again:
Simply click on the Settings gear at the top of the page (as shown above) and click on "Your Profile."
(If you haven't created a profile URL, you can do so in your Profile Settings under Account Settings in that same dropdown menu under the gear)
In your profile, you will see your Tracked Shows, your Lists, your Rated Shows and the TV Show Reviews you've written.
Your profile can be set to Private so that only you can see it, or to Public so you
New Show Requests for November 2020
Happy November! Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe! This is for requests for shows to be added/updated in November. Thanks everyone!
Review TV Shows and Episodes on SideReel
We're glad to announce that our fellow TV fanatics can now add their own reviews to shows and episodes again.
Now on TV Show pages and Episode pages, you can go in and let your fellow SideReelers know how you feel about the new show you're watching, or sound off about last night's episode.
You can mark your review as containing spoilers (so they won't show up for other users unless they click), and you can give a Thumbs Up to reviews you find to be helpful and those will rise to the top of the list.
Shows you
New Show Requests for October 2020
Happy October! You know the drill! This is will you put requests for New Shows to be added/updated in October. Thanks everyone!
New Show Requests for September 2020
Hello! Happy Fall! (Well not technically, but we're all thinking it!) As usual, this will be the fresh new page for new show/added show requests for September! Thanks everyone!
Updating TV Show Status (Upcoming, Current, On Hiatus, Concluded)
Hello SideReelers,
A user pointed out that there are several shows with incorrect status. Most of them are likely shows that were "Currently" airing and now should be set to "Concluded"
If you know of these shows that need to have their status updated, please let us know which shows and what their status should be.
Much appreciated!