Review TV Shows and Episodes on SideReel


We're glad to announce that our fellow TV fanatics can now add their own reviews to shows and episodes again.

Now on TV Show pages and Episode pages, you can go in and let your fellow SideReelers know how you feel about the new show you're watching, or sound off about last night's episode.

You can mark your review as containing spoilers (so they won't show up for other users unless they click), and you can give a Thumbs Up to reviews you find to be helpful and those will rise to the top of the list.

Shows you have reviewed will show up with a red pencil icon on the show pages and in your Tracker.

Take a look and let us know what you think about what you're watching now.

2 replies


Is the ability to see all the shows you've previously rated in the queue of features to come?

Yep. The user profile area (shows you're tracking, shows you've rated, your public lists, and reviews you've written) is next up, hopefully in the next few weeks.


Hello, random question - I can see all my reviews and ratings on my profile but I can't see an actual number for how many there are. Is there going to be a number (e.g reviews (84)) added back to the profiles because the idea of counting them one by one doesn't sound fun!