2025 Album Reviews Request

Opening this new question for people to request notable albums released this year that they feel merit a review, just to help AllMusic keep track - the final decision will of course be up the editors, whom I'd like to thank in advance for their generally excellent reviews and much-appreciated efforts to keep up!

6 replies


I hope someone will still find a moment for Kelela's 'In the Blue Light'. Her previous offerings have been consistently highly rated on AllMusic.


I hope someone will find a moment for the new album by jazz band Bandler Ching - it's much better than the bandname. :)


I hope someone will still find a moment for Black Flower's new album 'Kinetic'. Their previous one was well-received.


I hope someone will still find a moment for John Glacier's excellent 'Like a Ribbon'.

Okay, I've got two albums that could do with reviews: Would listening to the new Dream Theater album, Parasomnia interest any of your writers? Given the numerous user ratings, it looks like there are many of us who'd look forward to reading it!

Also, this one's been a bit hard to track as it's been delayed multiple times. It's finally out - The Manic Street Preachers released their new album, Critical Thinking last week. I know the writer that usually covers them is (sadly) no longer with your editorial team. Will someone else pick up where he left off?


I'll open this thread with rapper MIKE's excellent new album 'Showbiz!', which isn't even listed on the AllMusic website yet. The albums of his that have previously been reviewed have received consistently high ratings.

Good choice. Was going to request an entry on the missing entries thread but seeming as it's already been mentioned, I'll post some sources here too: You can find details for Showbiz! at the offical label's (10k) online store here, or on MIKE's bandcamp here.