Site contains old/invalid information about "Drago Bonacich"

The site contains information about "Drago Bonacich" (full name Drago Vladimir Bonacich). That is my father and he hasn't been active in the music industry in many years. He lives outside of the US and is in a different career path. The content on the site doesn't lead to anything anyway (dead links). Please remove information for Drago Bonacich on the site, as it conflicts with Google searches about me (his son).

1 reply

Hi there,

Drago Bonacich was a contributor to AllMusic and wrote dozens (if not hundreds) of musician biographies and album reviews to our website.

We still see value in displaying these reviews and bios that your father wrote for the company all those years ago. He offers valuable insight into a lot of under-served bands and albums.


That's fair, but can you at least add his middle name/initial (Vladimir) to prevent confusion? I constantly get contacted by folks mistaking me for him because of sites like this.