Review written in full, but still missing rating (7)

Final request of this year, found some missing rating rap albums again to add them. Could you fix this for full version?

- That Mexican OT - Texas Technician
- Madrox - Phatso
- Domingo - Presents: Behind the Doors of 13th Floor
- AMB - Blood in Blood Out
- Bone Thugs - New Waves
- Kool Keith - Tashan Dorrsett
- The Jaz - To Your Soul
- Original Soundtrack - Rush Hour [Original Soundtrack]
- Pink Guy - Pink Season
- Mr.Hyde - Chronicles of the Beast Man

1 reply

I've also found a few rap albums with missing ratings. Can you fix these?

These three read more like overviews of the release as opposed to critical evaluations of the music but I can pass them along to the editors to see if any of them were intended to receive ratings.

Get that you guys can't review everything but it doesn't seem too bad to rate it if some kind of article has been written for it. It allows us to know roughly where you stand on it, even if we don't know the reasons why.

Hey, just noticed that the Lil Baby releases have been rated! Guess it doesn't hurt to ask, regardless of what's been written. Thanks for passing them along.