User red star ratings missing from discography! Please fix!

User red star ratings are extremely important to view in the discography list for album to album discography comparisons. They have been missing from discography pages on iOS for months now. The blue star reviews in general are less informative than the red star (with qty) user reviews. For example, an album may have user rating with of 125qty and 5 stars while having an allmusic blue star rating of 3 stars. It’s of primary importance when looking at an artists full discography to see both red and blue star reviews to get an accurate feel if the album is worth looking into. Allmusic has been a valuable tool to me using this method. The recent changes have made researching new music and specifically full discographies very difficult as you have to click on individual albums to see the user red star reviews. This makes it impossible to compare user ratings of albums in a discography. There is no way to compare albums side by side and see which album users find most exciting. This is extremely frustrating… beginning to use Wikipedia for discography information more and more. Please bring back red user star ratings with qty to the discography page.. it’s so incredibly helpful to people that research artists full discography’s regularly.