2024 Album Reviews Request

Opening this new question for people to request notable albums released this year that they feel merit a review, just to help AllMusic keep track - the final decision will of course be up the editors, whom I'd like to thank in advance for their generally excellent reviews and much-appreciated efforts to keep up!

76 replies


I'd like to start with the new album by Keyon Harrold, whose previous release received a 4-star rating in 2017. https://www.allmusic.com/album/foreverland-mw0004086356


From last week's releases, I hope someone will still find a moment for The Last Dinner Party's debut 'Prelude to Ecstacy', and for the new album 'Orion' by Dina Ögon, whose last album received 4.5 stars.

A review for Orion by Dina Ögon is up! Hopefully one for Prelude to Ecstacy will soon follow.




I hope someone will find a moment for the excellent new album by Seven Davis Jr (featuring John Cale on the opening track!).: https://www.discogs.com/release/29424439-Seven-Davis-Jr-Stranger-Than-Fiction

Tips for anyone doing this:

Remember that while the staff on the editorial team obviously have a love for music, that they are also trying to run this website as a business. From the discussions I've had with staff in these forums, they'll be more receptive to requests if the releases you choose to put forward are proving to be popular. You can tell which one's are attracting attention by the level of user engagement. The admins can do this by reading the the amount of visitors each page receives (something we can't see) but other ways to tell this are by how many user ratings and/or user reviews a release has.

If your choice has dozens of user ratings or a user few reviews compared to one that only has a handful of user ratings at most, you're more likely to get a successful response. If there is a release that doesn't seem to gaining much attention, you can always encourage fans and friends to join the website and rate the album, or write a review yourself.

The Last Dinner Party's new album 'Prelude to Ecstasy' was a good choice to put forward on the basis of its popularity. As of typing this, it has seventeen user ratings, despite having only been out a handful of days. Saying that, for all we know a review may already be in the pipeline - there's often one-or-two late reviews uploaded a week after release.


Agreed. In addition, I think albums by artists whose previous efforts were highly rated may also merit a mention if missed this time around. Plus perhaps the occasional one that is just to good to ignore, though that is admittedly subjective. ;)

Okay, here's one for this thread. Please can you put forward a review request for the debut album, 'Letter of Self' by Irish band Sprints.

It's been out a month now. In that time, its entry on AllMusic has gained over thirty user ratings and a few user reviews. As a bonus, the album has received reviews in many other publications, with most providing positive appraisal (see link). Hopefully one of the AllMusic editors is looking for some post-punk to listen to and will have a fun time reviewing it too.

Oops, there's an notable error above that went completely unnoticed before my chance to edit it out was lost. 

The title for that release should be, 'Letter to Self'.


What a cracker of an album!!! Will you be reviewing it? Add my name to the list of those that would be curious to see what your writers think of it.


Rap releases have become rather hard to keep track of these days (perhaps they always were), but these two that came out late last year (too late for the Best of-Lists) might still be worth your consideration:


I am also still waiting for the day the great Mick Jenkins finally appears on your radar. His most recent 'The Patience' was great, but you might also finally review his 10-year old debut (61 user reviews).

That mixtape debut - The Water[s], is a stunner - one of the best hip-hop projects of 2014.




I hope someone will find a moment for this excellent new techno record: https://www.allmusic.com/album/arseholes-liars-and-electronic-pioneers-mw0004150388


I hope someone will still find a moment for the new Crystal Fighters album, which came out last week, and of course, the new IDLES album. Also still no Last Dinner Party, although their debut album has been rated by 46 users in less than three weeks.


I hope someone will still find a moment for Schoolboy Q's latest album, which came out last week. His previous releases have all been rated, and accumulated many user ratings as well.


17 user ratings in less than two weeks.


4.5 stars I see. Cheers! :)


Quite funny though that you're writing some of these anonymously. I mean, I understand that Ye doesn't want to attract too much attention to himself, but still. ;)


I hope someone will still find a moment for the solo debut by Bolis Pupul, whose record with Charlotte Adigéry was well-received two years ago.


This one was reviewed, I see, thanks much!


This is again one of those weeks where the new releases newsletter gets sent out while most albums don't have a review yet. No reviews are online as we speak for the new releases by Kacey Musgraves, The Black Crowes, Tierra Whack, Four Tet, Bo Ningen, The Dandy Warhols. The Messthetics & James Brandon Lewis, DragonForce, Sam Lee...

Quite an anticlimax to receive such a newsletter, or visit the new releases page...

Many labels and distributors do not provide our editors with advance copies, making it impossible to review something they haven't heard.

In the past we've waited to send the newsletter on the following Monday or Tuesday when more of the reviews have been completed, but people complain about that even more.

We anticipate the editors reviewing many (if not all) of the albums you listed in the upcoming days.


Thanks for that background, I understand you can't really help the timing, and if people complain even more if you postpone the newsletter, I also understand you're no longer doing that. :)


I hope someone will still find a moment for this collaboration between The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis, whose latest three releases were very well-received by your writers. It came out just two weeks ago, so it is not yet too late!


I'd like to bring this one to your attention once again, it's really worth it. :)


24 user ratings already!


This has now been reviewed, I see, cheers!


I hope the re-release of this quite legendary album by David Lee Jr. on Soul Jazz Records will inspire one of your writers to finally review.


This was reviewed two weeks ago but there are still no stars:


(The preceding debut album was rated by 83 users, so you might as well review both.) ;)

Another great review from this editor. Their reviews are usually spot-on.

Here's to hoping someone finds some time to fulfill the second half of your request. Whack's debut is an easy recommend to anyone who's a fan of her new album.


Are there any plans to review for the new Elbow record?

You can also add me to the list of users that wants to see a review for Sprints debut album.

A review is up for Audio Vertigo.


I hope someone will still find a moment for this excellent release: https://www.allmusic.com/album/stranger-than-fiction-mw0004224504


I hope someone will still find a moment for the new High on Fire album, which accumulated 7 user reviews in just 3 days, and, judging from the previous albums, will soon have many more.


24 reviews in two weeks.


The debut album of the Irish band Sprints gathered 44 mostly very high user ratings since January. It would be great if one of your editors would find a moment for them as well. :)


49 as we speak, average rating 4.5 stars.

Shout out to this choice! Would be great if the editors could give it a review.


I hope someone will still find a moment for the new Bullion album, since his previous one was very highly rated.

Review is up for this one. Very high praise indeed. Bullion's records haven't quite clicked for me yet. May I'll have to give this one another go.


I hope someone will still find a moment for Thom Yorke's soundtrack for the movie 'Confidenza'.


I hope someone will still find a moment for Chris Potter & Brad Mehldau's latest album 'Eagle's Point', which came out in March.


I wish you'd pay Fred Thomas to review Jessica Pratt's debut as well, he's written such wonderful reviews of her three other albums (including the one released today.)


Two interesting new jazz albums that came out today (by artists whose previous output has often been highly rated) have not been reviewed so far. Hope someone still finds the time!

'Gifts' by Dave Douglas & James Brandon Lewis
'Francesca' by David Murray, featuring Marta Sanchez and Luke Stewart.

Review is up for the David Murray record. AllMusic have also favorably reviewed his new collaborative album with Questlove and Ray Angry - Plumb.


'Gifts' has now been reviewed, I see, cheers!


I hope someone will still find a moment for the new P.O.D. album, which came out last week.

Seems the staff have been very responsive to some your requests. Here's another one that has been reviewed.


I hope someone will still find a moment for the new Arab Strap album.

Gonna also back this choice - are your editors going to review it? Fred Thomas did a great job reviewing their last album. Someone send him a copy of this one too!