Hello, to whom it may concern. I represent Gospel Fusion Records. We were told by a music company to have our artist on allmusic.com before we receive airplay results. Can a representative from allmusic.com tell the music company that we have artist pl


5 replies

Please take a look at this page for information about submitting your artists and albums to our data provider: https://www.allmusic.com/product-submissions


Hi Zac, thanks for your expertise with these questions. I'm a classical pianist who released my debut solo CD in March. I would love to get my album (which is already on AllMusic here https://www.allmusic.com/album/%A6-of-dreams-unveiled-mw0004262957) reviewed by AllMusic, but I'm lost in all of the submission information. Can you advise on the best way to get a classical album on the desk of the AllMusic editors? I have both physical and digital copies and happy to send them in whichever format works best for AllMusic.

Huge thanks for your expertise!

Clare Longendyke

Hi Clare,

Glad to see that your album is listed on AllMusic.

Unfortunately the staff of writers is limited in their bandwidth and can't provide a full review all of the albums that get added to the database.

If you haven't already, you can mail a physical copy of the CD to the address on this page: https://www.allmusic.com/product-submissions and keep your fingers crossed.


That's absolutely what I will do, Zac. Fingers, toes, arms, and legs crossed. Thank you so much for your quick support and reply!

- Clare


Our artist are on Allmusic.com.  Can a representative from Allmusic.com tell the music company that?


You should just be able to send them the links of the artists and albums if they are on our website.

I took a look and I can't find any information on AllMusic.com for Lady Suave, Dr. E. Wayne Evans & St. Louis Progressive Mass Choir or the other artists on your page.

Can you find them on AllMusic?





Can an individual from Allmusic.com send information to iHeartRadio that Gospel Fusion Records artist are placed on Allmusic.com? Reference www.gospelfusionrecords.com please?



Some of our artist are listed on Allmusic.com.

Here is an artist of ours on Allmusic.com.


Can one of your representatives send our artist to iHeart Radio?  We will as well.

Thank you!

Just send iHeart Radio that link and it will prove to them that Rev. Edward G. Robinson is an artist listed on AllMusic.com and his album "Love Jesus Songs" is listed on AllMusic.com.

That should do it.


Got it!  That's excellent.  Thanks!