Why is it that when I do a search I get 10 results for the same song?
Why is it that I have to open up 3-20 links to get a full set of albums for a song.
For instance Look up Da' Butt by E.U. and hit enter. You will see dozens of links and have to click on each one because none have the whole set. Some show no albums.. others may show a few. It is exhausting.
I am curious if something is broken or if it has always been this way? I have another 1000-2000 songs to add albums too. Allmusic has been great, but each tab bogs my i5 to work like a P3.
I really like the way they show the length of the tracks with the albums. It really helps get the right album, which is cool... but having to pull up instances of all music is a time suck.