SideReel has lost my "Subscription", says I'm no longer Subscribed.
Has occurred just today.... The Subscription section in My Account isn't indicating my Subscription anymore, aka being "Subscribed" so seeing Ads now.
I just "renewed" my Subscription like a Month ago or so.
I've also logged out, cleared all Cookies, restarted browser, etc.
Something has broke...
P.S. Please provide an "Export" option for all of our Shows... giving us an Excel type file or whatever which indicates the Shows we have in our list, and it showing the "last watched" Episode or all watched episodes for the show whichever can be done.
This is a good way to help us have a "backup" that we can make sometimes in case our show database or even SideReel dies for some reason. That way we can know what shows and what episodes we've watched. I now you guys likely have Backups but, it would be an extra protection for our own peace of mind.