I can't mark episodes as watched.
I am unable to mark any episodes as watched. This is happening on the tracker as well as the individual episode pages.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force episodes
Aqua Teen Hunger Force seasons 8-11 are listed separately under their alternate titles. Season 11's episodes are under Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever on Adult Swim | TV Show, Episodes, Reviews and List | SideReel and are incorrectly listed as season 13. Also, episode 9 is missing.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force (TV Series 2000–2023) - Episode list - IMDb
Season 12 reverted to the original title and the episodes have not been added.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force (TV Series 2000–2023) - Episode list - IMDb
List dissapears
When I refresh the tracker page my tracker list disappears. I have to click the "hide watched shows" button and then unclick it to see my list again.
Please update episodes
Hi! Could you please update the following episodes?
Press Your Luck - seasons 5 and 6
Celebrity Family Feud
Season 10 is off by one episode and episode 7 (which should be episode 8) is titled incorrectly. NOTE: IMDb has season 10 as season 11
Lego Masters - missing season 4 episodes 12 and 13
Lingo (2023)
Season 1 should end at episode 9 (titled Lingo for the Holidays - aired 12/24/23)
Please add season 2
Google search result for Lingo episode list
Please add a new page for Chrissy & Dave Dine Out
Missing Episodes - Zatima
It looks like Tyler Perry's Zatima stopped being updated a while back. They concluded Season 2 Episode 20 earlier in the year, but Sidereel is stuck on Season 2 Ep 6.
I have included a link below to the show I am referring:
Will it be possible for this to be updated.
Missing Episodes - Sistas
It looks like Sistas stopped being updated a while back. They have just concluded Season 7 Episode 22, but Sidereel is stuck on Season 4 Ep 6.
I have included a link below to the show I am referring:
Will it be possible for this to be updated.
SideReel has lost my "Subscription", says I'm no longer Subscribed.
Has occurred just today.... The Subscription section in My Account isn't indicating my Subscription anymore, aka being "Subscribed" so seeing Ads now. I just "renewed" my Subscription like a Month ago or so.
I've also logged out, cleared all Cookies, restarted browser, etc.
Something has broke...
P.S. Please provide an "Export" option for all of our Shows... giving us an Excel type file or whatever which indicates the Shows we have in our list, and it showing the "last watched" Episode or all watched episodes for the show whichever can be done.
This is a good way to help us
Subscription No Longer Preventing Ads
I've been a paid subscriber since ad-free subscriptions launched a few years ago. Today I pulled up the site and it's suddenly full of ads. I respect that you need to bring in money to keep the site running but I subscribed specifically so I wouldn't have to see the ads. How can I make them go away again? And if it's not possible, I'd like a refund proportional to the remainder of my subscription term.
Only text is displaying on the tabs of the site
Please see attached. All graphics are removed, been using sidereel for years and it's the first time I'm seeing the site like this.
Fullscreen popover adverts? That's too much.
Then your subscription charge is crazy for what you do, which is essentially a TV guide with a filter. Max 4€ per year, I'd take just fewer adverts at that price.
Keep it to the side and the bottom. You are almost a junk site by now.
I can't mark episodes as watched
I can't mark episodes as watched in my Tracker. I click on the little eye symbol and it just jumps a little to the right. It was working fine yesterday.
I've tried clearing my cache used other devices, browsers. Even a fresh browser install.
Please add Below the surface series
Please add Danish thriller series Below the Surface ("Gidseltagningen").
It's shown on CMore
Episode Lists for Futurama is messed up
The episode lists for Futurama after season 5 are messed up.
The last 4 episodes listed in season 5 actually belong to season 6. Each episode has 4 parts.
Episodes 1-13 listed in season 6 belong to Season 7.
Episodes 14-26 listed in Season 6 belong to Season 8
Episodes 1-13 listed in Season 7 belong to Season 9
Episodes 14-26 listed in Season 7 belong to Season 10
Episodes 1-10 listed in Season 8 belong to Season 11
I have listed them in order with airdates below.
Season 6
Benders Big Score Part 1 (Ep 1) March 23, 2008
Please load season 50 of NOVA and correct the episodes in season 49
The episodes for season 49 do not match up with what is on Wikipedia nor IMDB; e. g., Arctic Sinkholes is episode 1 on both Wikipedia but Sidereal has it as episode 5. The Rebuilding Notre Dame episode doesn't even show up on your list. IMDB has it as episode 19 and I recorded it on Directv as episode 19 but Wikipedia has it has episode 13. Thanks for all you do.
Episodes from the reboot of Beavis and Butthead are not showing.
The show was rebooted in 2022 and there have been two seasons and 50 episodes since then.
Thank you for looking into this!
Can you add following series
Our wonderful years https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11944132/
Tage, die es nicht gab https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22687894/
Fett und Fett https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6370476/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_7_nm_1_q_fett%2520und%2520fett
The Palace https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11997658/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_der%2520palast
Hot in Cleveland
Multiple episodes from multiple seasons are missing. Should be 6 seasons.
Site not working
The site doesn't register when you mark an episode as watched. The same goes if you try to move a series from one of your lists to another - it remains where it was without change.
Something is wrong with the website
Is there something wrong with the site? Can't seem to track new shows and update new watched episodes...