Database Problem? (Sep '21)

The site seems to be behaving strangely today.  A few things I've experienced this afternoon:

  • Clicking the eye in my tracker causes the show to say all episodes watched.  Refreshing shows next episode.
  • Search returns no results.  Results appear on 2nd or 3rd refresh.
  • Selecting a list displays all shows fully watched. Refresh displays shows with episodes remaining.

Also a friend told me he clicked the eye, it didn't take, refresh asked him to login, 2nd refresh loaded the tracker properly.

5 replies

I'm having problems too "Logging In"...

My login won't take properly, it directs me to a 404 page of the website or a http Error 503.
It will then sometimes show me as logged in, but then I can't go to My Tracker, it will take me back wanting me to login.  Sometimes I'll be able to go into my Tracker, but then I click the checkbox to show my latest shows and nothing will be there.

Anyway, bottom line, I can't use the website at all, can't get logged in and when it seems to, it just won't work properly.  I've cleared my cookies also and that didn't help.

I too am unable to log into the site; when I click the "log in" button after entering my credentials, the page shows no signs of movement or progress. I do, however, receive a wrong password notice if I mess up my password and hit log in, so the site knows if my credentials are correct. It simply will not load with my account logged in, and therefore I cannot view my tracker.

Issue solved for me!


Not sure if this is related or not but I'm scrolling down the premieres page and seeing ads despite having paid for no ads on the site.  (I don't tend to have this problem on the tracker.)

It's not you, it's us.

We're having issues with our login system right now.

Thanks for the heads-up.

We did indeed have some issues with our system overnight be we have fixed it this morning.

The nuts-and-bolts of the issue is that sometimes Google Cloud Services (where SideReel is hosted) will move servers and it can break our routing paths between the user service and the rest of the site. This "swapping" happens pretty often but it has never broken our pathing in the past so we're looking at the logs to see what Google did differently this time so we can try and ensure that this won't happen again.

Thank you for your patience.

Thanks Zac...  All seems working now.

Also, thank you for providing SideReel for us.
I was absolutely needing a "Show Tracking" place so I can properly track things.
For years I was losing track of shows and where I was with shows, but your site has been a godsend fixing all my problems...

Thanks again...  :)