Worst Witch Bug

There are 2 shows called "The Worst Witch".  One from the early 2000s and one currently airing (in the UK and in the US on Netflix).  I have the current one on one of my lists.  I just pulled up that list and it had the wrong one on it and 3 seasons worth of episodes checked.  I initially assumed I'd just added the wrong one so I removed it (and unchecked the watches) then went to add the other one.  Weirdly, the other one claims it's already on the list, yet when I pull up that list it's clearly gone.  Help?

(Also the 4th season of the currently airing one went up on Netflix last month.)

1 reply

Hi Sara,
When you say the show was still in your list but then it was gone, where are you looking? On your Profile Page Overview? In the individual List within your profile area? Or in Tracker?

We have seen an issue where we will make changes to a list (add shows, remove shows, edit the title) then go back and the browser cache will still show the old data (until we manually refresh the page).

Does this sound like what might be happening?

If you manually refresh the page does it look correct?

Thanks as always for your input and troubleshooting.


Nevermind.  I have no idea how the wrong version got on there but I just realized I had "Hide Watched Shows" checked so it was on there but hidden.  (I feel like an idiot.)