
inappropriate review

How can I flag an inappropriate review? If you're going to show reviews, that content needs to be subject to oversight. "The blond boot is tasty AF." is a review by steelsheen for Tacoma FD and while the show has a raunchy humor it's at least self-aware and tongue-in-cheek. This comment is not. This is a sexist objectification of a young female character, and while there are plenty of forums for such observations, I never thought SideReel was one. I am uncomfortable with this review and as it does not in any way offer an opinion or critique regarding the show, I'd flag it as inappropriate. If site moderaters disagreed and let it stand, at least I'd have been able to voice my concerns. I'd prefer it if you wouldn't display comments until there is a method to do so. I've been with SideReel for many, many years, but I think I'm going to take a break. Get the site functional and don't publish offensive comments made by others. I suppose I'll check back later, maybe, but atm the site isn't worth my time. Good luck, I guess. :/

2 replies

Thanks for the feedback. In our haste to get the site out live, we published the existing user reviews but have not yet built in the tools to flag older things as inappropriate. This is on our list of upcoming tasks.

This has been resolved.