How to 'unwatch' a watched episode/season?

It was previously possible to click the watched episode or season button again to unmark them if you'd like to watch and track a series again. Currently that is not possible anymore, I've tried in safari and mozilla.

3 replies


Hi Zac, thanks for your quick reply!

In my personal tracker as well as when searching for a show and going to the episodes.
When I click on the watched eye ball when I haven't seen an episode, it shows as watched. When checking all episodes of a season, after refreshing the page it the season button turns red. But not the other way around unfortunately.

Upon further testing, it does seem like there is an issue with Safari on a Mac.

Chrome seems to work on a Mac though, strangely enough.

We'll ask our team to take a look.



I am on a macbook yes. Just tried chrome, the season button does not work for me to unwatch, the individual eyeballs do. Strange though that the page need a refresh to turn the button colour.
It is a bit of a hassle for now to unwatch 300 episodes, but it works at least :)
Thanks again for your help!

I hear you.

We talked about having the "Watch Full Season"/"Unwatch Season" button set to constantly listen to the active states of each of the eyeball icons and flip the main button function as users clicked but we found that kind of multi-stage interaction/"listener" provided more complexity than was warranted for a scenario that would not happen very often for most users.


True.. I understand.  I do think I remember it was like that years ago, but the site has been under big change since then. I was also a bit sidereel phone app user, shame that was also discontinued. Something, something with handling change as we keep getting older :P

I do think your quick service replies are a big plus though! You don't see that very often .

Hi Robert.

Can you tell me specifically where on SideReel you are clicking?

Are you looking at the Tracker page?

If I click on the active "Watched" eyeball icon, it removed the Watched icon from being active.

If I click all of the active "Watched" icons and refresh the page, it changes the "Season Watched" red button to a blue "Watch Full Season" again.

Is this not working for you?

Please let us know.