Lists Phase 1!
Hi everybody.
Today we rolled out our initial phase of Lists being available on SideReel.
When you log in and visit your Tracker page, you'll see a dropdown that contains your lists (displayed in the order you created the list, with most recent list showing first).
By selecting a list, you'll be able to see the shows in that list, and use all of the same filters and sorts (including "Hide Watched Shows") that are available in the Tracker.
Additionally, by clicking on the "Add to List" button on TV Show pages, Episode pages and the Tracker, you can create a new list or add a show to an existing list:
(You will also be able to remove a specific show from a list by un-selecting the checkbox next to that list and clicking the button at the bottom.)
We're still working on the User Profile area and displaying all of the shows in a users list on a standalone page, but hopefully this will give you the opportunity to interact with your lists in the Tracker. Stay tuned.