Tracker Features, Functions and Filters

Archival Post from May 26, 2020

Friends, as we go down the path of building out the new Tracker on SideReel, we wanted to know which features and functions in the tracker are the most important to you. This will help us identify what to focus on for the relaunch and what we can build in as we go.

What do you consider to be the most valuable elements?

  • A weekly calendar of your tracked shows with airtimes and network information?
  • Changing your time zone?
  • Sortable lists of your tracked shows?
  • Filtering lists of your tracked shows?
  • Your rating?
  • User ratings?
  • Your next unwatched episode?
  • Viewing all episodes of a show in the tracker?
  • Viewing unwatched episodes of a show in the tracker?
  • Hiding shows you are up-to-date on?
  • The status of the show (On Hiatus, Concluded, etc) in the Tracker?
  • Viewing/Sorting/Filtering your Lists within the Tracker?

Please let us know what is most important to you when you are in your Tracker!

7 replies


I would love to see two counters added if possible, next episodes and total tracked shows

Sorry I'd not noticed them, I see them now, Thanks.


In the tracker could you move the buttons for "Next Week" and "Previous week" to be above the table showing the shows for that week.

Reason being as I cycle through each week the buttons keep moving up and down the page depending on how many shows are being tracked for a particular day.

Meaning I am constantly scrolling up and down the pager to go the next/previous week. This particularly happens with NetFlix series when all the episodes are released in a single day

I have the same problem, it's really annoying when you have a lot of shows on your tracker.

We did this.

You should see blue arrows above the tracker that take you to the previous or next week.


When I am in Tracker and I set the drop-down to be set to Concluded, I see Concluded shows in my Tracker. Is this not working for you?


I would really appreciate it if the show status (current, cancelled, concluded) would work again.

All but 2 of the shows on my tracked shows should be listed as On Hiatus. The shows are:


FBI: Most Wanted



NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: New Oreleans


The other 2 shows are currently airing.


The main things that I'm still missing are lists and Allison's ability to change a show's status (so the filtering will be more useful).  Thank you so much for all the hard work.  I'm so grateful for all the hard work you've done getting the site back up and running.  It's only been two weeks but already there've been huge improvements.

Thanks Sara, glad to see you made it over.

We just recently repaired the tool to be able to change a show's status so we should be able to do some cleanups there. If there are statuses you aren't seeing as updated, please let us know.

We're also still working on improving the view for what should appear as watchable in the tracker (shows that have aired but have not yet been watched). Our developer just showed me the query and it is bonkers. Progress is being made.


I've got a few that have the wrong status.  Should I post them here or somewhere else?

Update: I posted them in the New/Updated Shows thread over on the old site.