Why after all this "improvement" to the site, can we still not track late night shows like Conan or Colbert or Kimmel?

It's been since before all the "upgrades" that the tracking function for late night shows stopped working all together.  Some of the pages don't even have the track feature as an option.  What gives?

2 replies

Oh OK. I misunderstood.

The real issue in this case (regarding shows that might have several hundred shows a year like soap operas or late night shows) is that we simply don't have the bandwidth to create every entry for every episode for these shows. Shows like Kimmel, Late Night, Cordon, Colbert, Seth Myers, The Daily Show, Nightline, Watch What Happens with Andy Cohen, Amanpour & Company etc produce more content than we can keep up with.

Part of our efforts to improve the site include doing more automation of episode creation from our data partners instead of having to create each show entry by hand.

It is a long and complicated process, and we are a small team, but hopefully we can make it work.


Ah so.  Yeah I can see how that would be difficult. Although you guys seemed to be doing fine with it until a couple years ago.  Guessing you guys downsized your staff when it became All Media instead of just Sidereel. Just one of the many reasons mergers suck.  LOL

Hmmm... Are you not seeing the "Track" button on these pages?

Oh the button is there alright it just doesn't do anything.  It SAYS you're tracking the show, but it doesn't show up in the "shows tracked this week" nor do new episodes show up in the "my tracked shows."  And if you click the "episodes" next to "overview" you'd see that it stopped tracking the show in 2018.  Same for Colbert's, Conan's, and Corden's shows.