What's Going On With SideReel?
Archival post from April 27th, 2020:
For a while now SideReel has been experiencing more and more technical difficulties. You've seen it. Outdated videos, broken pages, shows not available to track even after they air. We've needed to rebuild the entire site in a short period of time in order to keep SideReel alive and kicking.
When we relaunch later this week, you may be seeing some of the core functionality not available at that time. Basic things like logging in, accessing your profile, tracking shows, rating and reviewing TV shows, and using your tracker are being worked on as we speak.
There are some beloved elements like badges, leaderboards, daily emails and Cancellation Buzz that are not likely to return, simply because very few people use them and/or the current staff is not able to continue working on them.
Our hope is that shortly, SideReel users will be able to log in, track shows, and contribute reviews so we can all go back to our normal lives: Watching TV.