Sticky sort by

Hi guys,

I was wondering if you could please make the "sort by" in the tracker sticky like the "hide watched shows" check box? This is something I miss from the old site and would make the tracking much nicer to use.

Also, when sorted by my rating, the shows I haven't rated yet used to appear at the bottom of the list sorted by their overall rating, and now they're just alphabetical. Not super bothered if this doesn't come back, but it would be nice as I used to pick what to watch next based on this order.

Thanks for all your hard work.


3 replies


Ok so I'm now having an issue.  I switched over to look at a list at some point and now it's "stuck" on the list.  I've tried switching back to the tracker but when I refresh it goes back to the list.  Help?

We made it too sticky!

We're seeing this too.  Working on a fix.

OK. Your browser should remember the last state you left your Tracker in. If you are in a List and refresh, it will keep you there. If you go back to your Tracker and refresh, you'll be in your Tracker.

Thanks for the heads-up.


Required a hard refresh but it appears to be working now.  Thanks!

Hi Kate,

We are now making the Sort By function sticky for as long as you are logged in.

Not sure about the secondary sort by average user rating. We'll need to see if we can get that working at some point in the future.

Great, thank you! 

This is something we're working on. Thanks.